
Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Details Matter to God

Hi friends! I haven't posted in far too long. My 30 day writing challenge is about up and I managed to set up only a little bit of the blog. I am still planning to come back and continue past the challenge and pursue writing. 

Today I was thinking of all the things I want to say on here and just don't seem to make the time to say them! Well, I am taking the time now before I head to bed. 

This morning as I read my daily bible reading I was struck by the thought of how detailed God is. I mean all we really have to do is look around at our world and how ordered it is to understand that, but in Exodus as God is giving the instructions to build the sanctuary I was reminded again of His attention to detail. If you have read the book of Exodus around about chapter 25, and if you are like me, you start to wonder how this information is important to you. I believe for today, it was to remind me that the details matter to God! 

God is not a bigger, better me. He is holy. He is other. He is so not me and I am so glad for that! His ways are not mine and the depths of His understanding far outweigh my limited scope of understanding. He loves all the details. His loves my details and your details. The things in life that we notice, He notices too. There is comfort in knowing that God notices and will take care of the details. 

The second part of understanding His great attention to detail is a sense of awe and reverence. When we consider the detail in which He described to the Israelites how to make each item we know that the details matter. Every detail was made clear. There were no questions on how to make things. He told them all the details. 

Maybe this is a stretch, but I started to wonder if there are certain details in my life that I think God won't notice and therefore I won't be accountable for them. Ouch! Unfortunately, I know it doesn't work that way! James 4:17 (NASB) says that "to one who knows the right thing to do and does not do it, to him it is sin." (The whole chapter is a good read) 

Anyway,  lately I have found myself more and more focused on the fruit of self-control. I think the Holy Spirit wants me to be teachable in that area since it keeps coming up :) I want to make sure I am living life God's way and not my own. What about you? Do you feel God calling out areas of detail in your life that need attention?  Are you resting in His attention to the details of your life? 

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